You dont need to be mad but it helps. Fellrunners have often been described as weird ,crazy or just downright odd.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Todays Run
First off cross the road and straight on to the sign and stile. Take the left turn up to the dam( Dont go straight forward and right as this is the longer way around to the lower dam wall and takes you around to Reaps Farm.
Anyway we head left and run along with the concrete culvert on our left heading up to the upper dam( but not along it). After a few minutes you reach the steps that take you up and over the outflow structure that discharges water in high flood.
Turn left after crossing the road, go through the gate and head up to the upper dam structure. After the gate run along with the culvert on your left hand side. After a few minutes you reach the steps
Water discharge outflow structure on your right just as you reach the steps.
Head over the stile and follow the well marked track that takes you up through the trees and onto the base of Wildboar Clough. Its well trodden and you cannot go wrong.
Sunday, 29 November 2009
I think I have five pairs of wet fell shoes hanging on nails in the shed at the moment.
But to continue with races the training must be done and even though the races become less frequent at this time of year Ive managed to keep at nearly 50miles a week for the last four weeks. Much of this training has been over the muddy and boggy hills trailing behind badger with his flashing red collar and one of those fancy L.E.D cycle lights that you can now get. All in the murky dark.
The first few weeks of running with your headtorch on are a novelty and you can get away with lets say trespassing over a few areas that you just cannot do when its light.
But that's passed now and it becomes a continual effort to trudge night after night over that terrain.
I broke last weeks running up by doing a 9 mile ROAD, argggggggggggggh yes road run( Badger wasn't impressed with this as he cannot come with me).
But the darkness is hard. The only time I get really eager to go out is when its a full moon. I'm not sure why but full moon training runs are special.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Dunnerdale Fell Race
Now I set off with great intent, alas on the descent from Ravens Crag I had a nasty fall and banged my left knee on a rock and pulled a tendon in my right foot on the inside of the arch. It was hard work getting to the finish and I was mighty please to enter the finish funnel and stop running. Conditions underfoot were very slippy.
My shoe selection wasn't great but hey ho no matter. The summit of Stickle Pike is lovely but with only one week since doing the Roaches Fell Race I was feeling it a little by that point in the race.
A nice meat and potato pie at the finish made it all worthwhile though
I will be back to try and get round without the acrobatics.
With a team mate at my side we start the climb to Stickle Pike
Climbing up is the hard part and Im very happy to be running off the top heading for the finish
Not many races left this year now but Im happy with what Ive achieved. Not sure yet were I came in the field in this race as the results have yet to come out. We will see but I dont really care. One of the beautiful things about fell racing is that you dont have to worry about positions and times too much. Its just great to be able to run in these amazing mountains.
Monday, 9 November 2009
Nearly the end
Well the demolition team are now in full swing. They have exposed the inner plant at the Pipeworks even more and if all goes to schedule Id say the building hasn't got long to live. They have stripped out most of the outer shell and sometime soon they will be pushing the large Wellman cranes off the rails that they travel up and down on.
The inner workings are now clear for all to see. The girder steelwork is slowly being chewed away by the large shearers that the demolition company have on site.Here the shearer is at full reach taking off the roof. These machines enable the building to be demolished safely without anyone having to be in the work area.
The roof totally gone now. It was a lovely clear day when I took this picture and the steelwork shone in the sun.
The pumphouse once used to cool the plant has gone and just the inlet pipes remain. The sun was nice this morning and lit up the whole area. This picture gives an idea just how large the CMP plant area was. Only the very last part of the plant is left standing
The cranes massive hooks can clearly be seen hanging down in there final resting position. I wonder what will be on this site in ten years time. With the current economic climate I can see it being just a wasteland. I really want this site to be turned into a nature reserve, but I doubt that will happen. I suppose the land is to valuable
Roaches Fell Race
This race is about 15miles and climbs a lot. You basically run all the way to Shuttlingsloe and back. Starting at Meerbrook near Tittesworth reservoir.
This was also a Pennine championship so that inspired me to run a little harder. Its always difficult to judge your pace when you race for the first time since having illness or injury and at first I thought I had gone off to quick but soon seemed to get into my stride. The climbs seemed tough but I flew down the technical descents over the rocks and boulders. I was very glad to get the climb up to Shuttlingsloe summit out of the way and then again the trig point on the Roaches after that. With all the climbing done it was just a matter of crossing a few boggy fields and run into the finish straight.
A nice wash in the brook at the end and a celebration cup of coffee. It was nice to see so many Pennine runners attending.
I had ran well and that had been 50miles for the week even with 2 rest days thrown in before the race which im now convinced is very important. A tip passed on to me by a very very famous fellrunner from Cumbria.
So with my racing legs back working and a good placing in the race I feel a lot better.
But the hardest run is always the first training run after a race. Everything aches and Badger always gives me that cmon cmon look. Im dying whilst he is racing up the hills.
A fantastic race and one of those that has a little bit of everything thrown in.

Friday, 6 November 2009
On schedule
Most weeks see me heading down to London to inspect various jobs. It might be looking at a grab on the River Thames at a Wharf or a structure thats required on a site. It can be anything and everything. On Thursday I arrived for an appointment a bit early and I decided to have a look at the Olympic site to check on the progress.
I had visited this site in the early stages to look at some jobs but it amazes me how fast they are building the Olympic site. It seems well on shedule. I took these pictures of the stadium and had a walk along the Old River Lea
The cranes have erected lots of the steelwork and the main stadium frame is in place. I can remeber a time when steelwork erected in shapes like this would be unthinkable. Everything is curvy nowadays. All designed on a computer to fit perfectly on site. And it does to within a millimetre. BrilliantThe stadium can clearly be seen. Its a pity the sun wasnt a bit stronger and I had a better camera as the light was fantastic and my camera set on scenery doesnt really do it justice.
I think Robert Mcalpine's are the main contractor on site. My dad worked for them contracting on the tower cranes thirty odd years ago. I had a few years erecting cranes and did actually operate the odd one. But its a very lonely life sat up there on your own talking to yourself.
Other parts of the site are being started with even more cranes building more of the village. Not sure what this part is but its going to be big
Now this part is interesting as its the entrance of the Old River Lea to the construction site. This is where they have shipped some of the materials into the job. They have built a new lock and literally re invented the River. Cleaning it up and providing a better enviroment.
I have tried to use the sunlight to make the objects dark as I think it gives them a better contrast. Here the cranes and road sign mark the start of a new day over East London. Another job I remember visiting years ago was the Millenium Dome now known as the O2. I remember attending site before the structure was even built.
Canary Wharf in the background. This was another site I visited regulary.
It astounds me at the pace that the skyline over London has changed over the last few years. Even in a recession year down there it seems another world. A concrete jungle world that never stops. Only two hours away but it really is a different Great Britain. Money seems no object and the city demands more and more. The costs of the Olympics are a very controversial topic but no matter what, they are being built and the billions are being spent to provide them.