Monday, 19 October 2009


Pennine Fellrunners is the club I mostly run for. Ive been a member for quite a while now and have enjoyed some great times with them. They are a brilliant bunch of people.
Our vests can be seen at most fell races whether it be a local Hayfield race in the Peak District or a British Fell Relay or even as far afield as Scotland and Wales. The club thrives because of the camaraderie and friendship that its members create between themselves.
We base our training runs in Hayfield on thursday nights and head out onto the fell at 7.00pm.
Although I live a good distance from Hayfield I still try to get over when I can do. Nothing feels better than doing a race with your vest on. It makes me feel proud to run for them.
We have some very experienced guys and gals at the club with many varied interests. Mountaneers, Cyclists, Orienteers, Walkers, you name it someone will have tried it.
We have British Champions right down to members who just have a plod on the fells.
I couldnt ever run on the fells with any other club

One of the brightest vests in fellrunning
Running up the pipes in Wales at he Pipe Dream race
William Clough just above Hayfield. Many of our training runs head this way

The shooting cabin

We are a special club indeed

Half way up Ben Nevis, even there someone will shout cmon Pennine

Racing in Wales

On the tops

The famous Pennine Vest

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