Hmmm maybe though thats me going slower on the hard slippery frosty ground
He sometimes runs off in front and has the cheek to sit there waiting
You dont need to be mad but it helps. Fellrunners have often been described as weird ,crazy or just downright odd.
The final descent into Edale
Turn left after crossing the road, go through the gate and head up to the upper dam structure. After the gate run along with the culvert on your left hand side. After a few minutes you reach the steps
Water discharge outflow structure on your right just as you reach the steps.
Well the demolition team are now in full swing. They have exposed the inner plant at the Pipeworks even more and if all goes to schedule Id say the building hasn't got long to live. They have stripped out most of the outer shell and sometime soon they will be pushing the large Wellman cranes off the rails that they travel up and down on.
The inner workings are now clear for all to see. The girder steelwork is slowly being chewed away by the large shearers that the demolition company have on site. The roof totally gone now. It was a lovely clear day when I took this picture and the steelwork shone in the sun.
The pumphouse once used to cool the plant has gone and just the inlet pipes remain. The sun was nice this morning and lit up the whole area. This picture gives an idea just how large the CMP plant area was. Only the very last part of the plant is left standing